COVID Vaccine Exemptions

In the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave there is nothing worse than when the Government, or Employers violate your freedoms and liberties that so many fought and died for to protect.

Under the United States Constitution, these freedoms and liberties include the absolute right to say "no" when the Government or your Employer tries to make you or your children put something in your bodies that you don’t want to.

At My DUI Guy, P.A. we believe the Constitution is not living, breathing, or that it changes automatically depending on the social issues, political agendas, or what the government says. That is why we fight passionately to protect your constitutional right to say "no" to any Government or Employer vaccine mandate.

If someone has mandated that you or your children "take the jab", but you don't want to, contact My DUI Guy, P.A. immediately to schedule your consultation so we can help protect your constitutional rights. So why should you call today? If you don't, all you have to lose are your freedoms and liberties.