Frequently Asked Questions

Do I really need a Lawyer?

Even though the legal system has taken great strides to assist litigants in representing themselves, we have seen many unfortunate instances where clients would come to us after the fact in order to correct mistakes they made along the way.  In many instances we are able to correct their mistakes after a lot of hard work, but in some instances the mistakes that were made cannot be corrected.

As one Judge states it: “trying to represent yourself and be your own attorney is like trying to do brain surgery on yourself and be your own doctor.”

No matter how simple your case may seem, you ALWAYS need competent legal representation whenever you are facing legal issues.  

What if I can’t afford to hire a lawyer?

As one Judge put it,  “You can’t afford NOT to hire a lawyer.”  In many instances we have seen it cost clients more money in the long run because of the mistakes they made by not hiring a lawyer and trying to represent themselves.    

At My DUI Guy, P.A. we understand that our clients are hardworking, but most don’t have unlimited resources for legal fees.  That’s why we offer creative and flexible payment options to meet their needs.

What if I already have a lawyer?

It NEVER hurts to get a second opinion.  Sometimes clients become dissatisfied with their legal representation during the legal process.  At My DUI Guy, P.A. we gladly give potential clients a second opinion about the legal issues they are facing. In most cases we are able to offer new perspectives and solutions for them.  

Contact Ancient City Law and Let Us Exceed Your Expectations!